Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Short Round

Weather happened last night. ShortRounds school, hand in paw, sent home all the bike helmets with the younglings so as to be prepared for the weather. I assume she was going to ride on the handle bars of the wicked witch. She wore it on the way back to school today. Why you ask? Because toddler.
Wait! You are my ride!
I have had realistic expectations for the kids mostly. If anything I have been underwhelmed by their behavior. I expected the worst. I mean child birth was a breeze that involved snacks and a recliner. For the most part it has been more of the same. Sure babies don't sleep all night sometimes and diapers and all that. Mostly, it has been fun and you block out the rest. Then, toddler. Don't get me wrong I love our short round, stay-putt, E.Nor, Foxxy Baby. In the last week or so, she has changed from the lovable, durable, future middle linebacker that we all know and love into a toddler. It wasn't until a couple of days ago when we saw the discharge running down the outside of her ear that we figured it out. 
I have an ear infection and am now going to kick your butt
(I seriously need to re-watch Little Giants. Come on, the annexation of Puerto Rico?)
I think that toddler is disease of the inner ear that while contained is harmless. Her tubes, however, allowed it to leak out and corrupt her. I blame that weekend retreat to Liberia with the layovers in Dallas and Spain. Seriously, I hope it is just an ear infection and we will get back my little monster soon. I do fear however that if toddler goes untreated it will turn into little girl then tween and finally teen. We need to nip this in the bud before it progresses. 
An Ear Infection caused all this!? 

Other recent relegations:
1. she enjoys led zeppelin, queen and ozzy. This morning was ZZ Top
2. she enjoys football games at daddy's school and sliding down hills on cardboard with her brothers
3. she enjoys sliding by herself more. She may get the school cheerleaders skirt and football jersey combo.
4. she likes waking up halfway through the night and requesting that I come lay with her....till morning

She is good. We love her. 

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