Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Mr. Fabulous

For some time Mr. Fabulous was the character with the most entertainment value in our home. I am not saying that he has been dethroned but rather that he is growing up. He just had his 11th birthday. This was a joint party affair with a girl from his school. It was mine craft themed and raised my anxiety to 11. Some number of 5th graders with beverages that stain and a toddler and at someone else's house. They assured me that the kids couldn't break or ruin anything but I assured them that my children are often the exception to such ideas.

It went off without a hitch and fun was had by all. In general he is doing great these days. He is bored at school and gets in trouble for answering too many questions. New strategies include allowing him to tutor 3rd graders when his behavior is exceptional. Also, he has taken to learning JAVA in his spare time at school. I can't help but encourage this as he has no clue what he is doing. It is good to watch him struggle for the first time in a long time.

Halloween is approaching and he suggested going as a nerd/geek. I just nodded and refrained from suggesting that he may already be a nerd.

His only stated goals this year include 1. learning to code and 2. kissing his girlfriend. We are in trouble as he is the most fabulous geek we know.
Hey girl! How you Darwin?

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