Tuesday, October 14, 2014


What do you say about child number 4? I am pretty sure he is here somewhere. During the planning of Mr. Fabulous' birthday party, a mother of one sat in on the matinee performance of "My Life." She was speechless by the end. It was a breath taking performance apparently. She simply shook her head and later recounted to her husband a single word: busy. This requires a certain amount of lubrication to keep the wheels turning smoothly.
How I like to picture the supermodel. Hello Ava Gardner
More realistic version also, More fun
A bit of a theorem I am working on
In and amongst all that busy is Lil Rxy. He now sits up and smiles more.

Some have called him a flirt. He does smile at women and give them the eyes. No he is not in training for this. It comes natural. 

Other news? Went for a 6 (and a half) month check-up. He is 6'2" which is impressive. That may be an exaggeration but he is long. his legs hang out of the car seat and I have caught them on every door frame on the way out of our house and at hand in paw. No he can't crawl yet. We are actively discouraging it. And talking. Discouraging that as well. Seriously you get to walk and talk your whole life. Take a break now and enjoy being catered to. 

He, like his sister, enjoys midnight gab sessions and mom is nice enough to provide the snacks. He can't stay in our room anymore though because he is so large that he broke is cradle. Yes you read that right. Tell him to get a trainer and go to yoga why don't cha?

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