Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Blood and Donkeys

I made what I thought was a poor decision last week. Well, realistically it was months ago. I scheduled 3/4 of my minions to go and see the dentist all in the same afternoon. Now where 3/4 go the 1/4 must follow. Important points of interest.
1. The dentist is a family friend
1b. He raises miniature donkeys for fun. Basically he is a great person.
2. He only typically sees adults and if I'm honest only geriatric adults. That may be a bit much but its close.
3. His waiting room has less seats than we have family members and is quite well appointed.
It is hard to hate anyone who helps
fill the earth with mini-donkeys (not the kid)
Scene is set. Enter from stage left The Hoard.

I have for the past few weeks been blue. It tends to lead to anxiety. This visit to the doctor would jump up and down all over my current unease. Or not?

Boys were angels. Stay-Puft aka Short Round watched the first get his cleaning and was into it. Really into it. Once Wilson was done she jumped ahead of Mr. Fabulous in the queue and demanded that her teeth be next. She had a purple toothbrush and a sticker to earn. Earn them she did. Best patient ever. To be fair she only has like 10 teeth or something. Mr. Fabulous was next and we were out of there. Even I'mRexy&IKnowIt was well behaved and endearing to the staff.

We walked out and that was it.... Until yesterday.

Inner monolog.
Yesterday I had to go. Now don't forget our points of interest about the Dentist. Again let me say he is the nicest and gentlest dentist I have ever been to. His hygienist is a doll. BigCat on the other hand is a big hot mess. I only have 3 mortal fears. Compared to some people that is mild. It just so happens that one of mine is the most cliche. Dentists. It is irrational. I love everyone in the office as people.

At some point in my life I had the opportunity to replace some teeth that I misplaced. There were a pair of root canals and fancy new teeth glued into my head. I somehow associate dentists and those visits with all the other nasty things going on in my life at that time. So, I hate the idea of dental appointments. Not the dentist. I reiterate, he is great.

No matter how much anxiety medicine I take prophylacticly, I lose my dang mind. I stop being chatty. I get tunnel vision. I generally freak. It was so bad yesterday that I panicked and rushed home to brush before the appointment. Did I brush lik
e a normal human? No. I brushed with the vigor and determination of the gods.  Sometimes gums bleed a little when you brush. No biggy. Yesterday, I think I ruptured my face artery. I was near tears freaking out and now there were copious amounts of my vitality pouring out of my face.

I digress. No I don't have great brushing and flossing habits. We all have things we could work on. That is one of mine. Don't judge. The hell I put myself through yesterday is irrational. I know this.
By child, they mean adult. Rational Reasonable Adult.

I survived and the best part is I get to go back in 6 months. Maybe ShortRound will hold my hand next time.

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