Thursday, December 11, 2014

Holidays are in full swing

Thanksgiving has come and gone. Ours was a delight with just enough family time. I was however tempted to stop eating long enough to shop on Brown Thursday. My families rally point in Walmart was the avocados. Why? Because who is shopping for exotic fruits on Thanksgiving? I will say that the people watching was excellent and me and baby dino stood in line for something to go on sale that my aunt and mother wanted. Successfully no less.

Hopefully the Dino will be big enough the hold his own next year.
Also, football. The Shadow is of age now and is learning about our tradition of watching football and considering it a major part of our identity in this state. First week of school in Alabama and the boys were asked their loyalties. Anyway, The Shadow has made her opinion known. During each of the games she would squeal with delight then clap and scream, "Yea Football!" I fully support her love of both teams. Future diplomat in some country that has delicious snacks.

I sit here with a burden off my shoulders. My final grades are turned in and I sit waiting for the groveling and donuts to start flowing into my office. Problem is that most of them flock home to momma bird after the exams. Result is that I get groveling without donuts.

Please Sir. But I am an "A" student
Other holiday excitement? House is decorated all 1950's fabulous. Baking is wrapping up now. Wife bakes inordinate amounts of the most delicious treats and promptly puts them into tins and gives them away. To those of you reading who got said treats, let me know how they turned out. They looked and smelled delicious on the way out the door. The first of them left when we hosted a party for my freshman course. There were approximately 300 people in our living room. If you have seen it you know that we were nervous about the floor joists. You could hear them crying.

how you should picture my super talented super hot wife baking
How my super talented super hot wife actually bakes
Gift season is also arriving. I will now state my concerns. I am not complaining. We have a large family who all love to give gifts at this time of year. It is a way to say thank you for all you have done and as a remembrance of the birth of Jesus. That is a really sweet gesture. There are pitfalls however.

Wilson and AbFab go back to MS to their father's house and his family for a portion of the holiday. You ask them to sit down and make a list and you get back 10-15 items. Perfect. Enough for everyone to get the boys one thing. Good job boys. You then look at the list. 2-3 real wishes and 13 items including but not limited to: pop tarts, replacement lead for mechanical pencil, breath spray, a surprise, a second surprise. This is a great sign. The boys have all they need and are getting to the cash/gift card age that makes gift giving no fun. So socks and underwear for those guys.

It could always be worse/ waaaay better
The little two are a blast to shop for however The Shadow is still confused about what all the fuss is about. Santa is no where on her radar. The snacks she is okay with. I caught her coveting her mothers Dunkin Bread this morning. Dunkin you ask? This is our way of saying pumpkin. It is adorable and I may suggest this adoption happen for all of humanity. She has a holiday pageant? program? tomorrow. I will try to live blog that event for all of you playing at home. Get excited.

My semester is wrapped up mostly. I will spend the next 14 days shopping and making gifts while listening to porky pig holiday music. How does a person craft a Doc McStuffin Exam table/ Grocery store? My secret goal is to find people to play hooky with me and go get long lunches and enjoy time with adults next week.

If you don't call me to do lunch and sit around and smoke cigars,
she is my fabulous back up plan
Happy Holidays


  1. "Future diplomat in some country that has delicious snacks." Just don't tell her "No." or things will never again be in your favor.

  2. Should you need to supplement Porky Pig to get turnt up:
