Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Annual rant from a curmudgeon

I heart Thanksgiving.

let me count the ways.
1. All that is asked of you is to be thankful (see web link for 26 empirical reasons)
2. If you feel up to it, cook a bit to share with family and friends
3. Eat

Geez if we can't to this as a country we really are screwed. Granted the history of the holiday is a bit off and we did trade small pox for land but lets not let the truth get in the way of a good holiday.

What I don't like? The overreach of other holidays. If I lose Halloween next I will stop participating in our society completely. I have stopped going into major retail stores at this point due to the music and decorations. The problem is that the Supermodel has as well. We are hungry. Why doesn't Publix deliver? We may have to pretend to be elderly and incapacitated and ask for meals on wheels.

I digress. Keep your Santa off my Turkey! Also, this season can be a difficult time around the dinner table due to the differences in polical/social outlooks. I have turned to Vox for a lot of my news lately. They have a handy guide to dealing with these discussions. If you plan on seeing me for dinner or drinks during the holiday season, I ask that you read this brief primer.