Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas Pageant Live Blog.

9:45 this church was slam full 30 minutes ago. Never underestimate the promptness of grandparents. MiMi and 2Pop just arrived but the Supermodel can't be bothered to be early. Her adoring fans at work couldn't be without her.

9:58 just got a text, she may make it in time for the introduction by Miss Alabama. Who has the pull to get her to come to a preschool event??

9:59 here we go. We have a farm apparently. Old MacDonald themed. Video of lil Dino and friends due to the fact they don't perform like trained monkeys. Nice video though. Lots of oos and ahhs. Everybody loves a fat sleepy baby.

10:07. First set of monkeys. I would cry too buddy. Lots of jingle bells and not performing on command. They aren't even 2. Can you force kids to perform at this age? What is minimum wage for a two year old jingle bell player? The Shadow's group is next. This is stinking cute but she will bust up this party.

10:11 We are up. Hold your breath. OMG!! Santa hat and fat cheeks! Here we go. She has he own teacher/handler. This group is way more professional. She is silent and staring at the crowd at center stage. Cutting her eyes. The whole group is silent. She was on point. Okay all done that. Still steady watching us though.

10:16 now the rest of the older less diva-y kids. Stay Puft was is the Tina Turner of her class. Wow these other older classes. You start the song and off they go singing. They each have their own pace and meter for the song. The chorus is banging. The verses are tough.

10:21 Snowmen are exiting and now we have reindeer. The cutest part is the kids in various walkers and wheelchairs that are decorated as sleighs etc. Kids who can't speak using their Steven Hawking see n say's. Stinking cute. Hard to be cynical.

10:28 We are back to a chorus. This feels like Christmas Irish drinking songs. These kids are swaying and belting it out. Hand them a stein.

10:55 Ms. Alabama came and gave an inspirational speech. Not sure what that was about and no one else was either. People from ACIPCO handing the CEO a check from the employees. That is a really great company.

11:00 And we are done. That was quick and painless. No grammy threats here but all in all I feel more Christmas-y

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