Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Patient Zero and the ensuing chaos

It is possible. I repeat possible that the baby dino got everyone sick at the party. MiMi, 2Pop, My sister, a cousin's son, and last but not least great grandfather dino all came down with something eerily similar.

In other news, I have taken the day off to spend with the supermodel. This means that I am blogging from her office obviously. A quick meeting she had to come into. Also, the last twelve hours have been exciting. I shall photo essay?
Started with a beautiful dinner with my family.
Enjoyed a Christmas Classic with the boys after the little two went down 

Helped the Supermodel wrap some presents
 See that sounds wonderful right? This is where things went oddly and fast. We went downstairs to work on the Christmas present that I am building for the NieceTwins. This involved sanding and painting. At some point. Totally my fault.....I spilled a gallon of paint on the floor and my Supermodel.
Not as Sports Illustrated Swimsuit body paint as you might have imagined
 So, we cleaned that up and went to bed. At some point I was called in to have a spend the night party with The Shadow but when I woke up...
The bed didn't have this much blood but it was close. Apparently The Shadow had a nose bleed.
Not sure what caused the nose bleed but I am bothered by it and still am scared I elbowed her in the nose. Look I bring my A game to sleeping. If she tried to post up in my spot, in my unconcious state, I may have caught her with a bow. This has two effects. 1. I am scared to death to spend the night in her bed again and I may be banished by the Supermodel. 2. I have more laundry to do.
This light does not mean The Genie from Aladdin is in your future
Next up was car trouble in paradise. Apparently the Supermodels car had several lights come on as she left for work. The culprit? Lack of oil. Now, don't blame her. We knew that was part of the deal with her car. It loses oil. I lose my keys and it loses oil. To combat this she gets oil changes more often or tops it off. It drank extra this month. Upswing, that may be the noise she has been hearing and not faint voices of Ghosts of Christmas Future.

Since then we have Christmas shopped and had a romantic lunch at Taco Bell. Don't judge. Everyone eats there. We just did it sober. Feel free to stick around, who knows what will come of this afternoon. I mean heck, we still have to paint.


  1. The frequency with which these posts are occurring is very satisfactory.

  2. It is possible that you are an abusive parent. But this time of year, with the heat on and the air constantly dried out, I am frequently Nosebleed Central. If it happens again, perhaps a humidifier? Unless you were in the bed. In that case, if it happens again, CPS!
