Friday, December 12, 2014

We have a problem

Apparently the holiday baking has created a rift in my relationship. I went to make myself breakfast while waiting to take The Shadow to her Christmas pageant and when I went to the fridge there was a bit of a scare when I noticed the egg and butter shortage. I swear she bought 12 pounds of butter and 3 dozen eggs last week. This is not an exaggeration. I scrounged up enough to fry the most beautiful pair of over easy eggs the world has ever seen. They were a work of art. The rest of you can quit trying. I reached ovum perfection.  Sad part was due to all the baking, The Shadow had to make due with just sausage and OJ. Big Cat doesn't share breakfast.

Back to the rift. Apprently the Supermodels treats were a big hit with all the fortunate people who got some. I will say however that there has been a wedge forced between us. There have been pledges of love and appreciation and one marriage proposal. I found her second and put a ring on it fair and square. I won't say who (it rhymes with a Eeeee-va from Wal-E) but they offered their hand in marriage and promised an accomidating and open marriage. How am I supposed to compete with that I ask you?! She is my smoking hot, culinarily gifted, and butter hoarding bride. You can't have her! If you return your tins  however I might share her again next year.

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