Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Polar Vortex

3/5s of my family has been knocked down due to disease. We are fighting through it but between that and the cold weather, I have several excuses to lie in bed or in front of the fire and not to be at work. That and I am teaching online for the first time which means that I did all this work getting ready for it and now I just sit back and answer questions.

Makes keeping up with them easier
The preparations for The Hound are getting exciting. Apparently you have to do more than put an old towel in a cardboard box. Stay Puft has decided to participate in this prepatory phase by waking up in the middle of the room. I don't know how she got there this morning. She certainly didn't miracle herself out there to paraphrase Full Metal Jacket. Now not only is she mobile, she refuses to be contained. If she learns how to open doors then we are moving to a more disney approved method of babysitting...

Now we are switching to a Big Gurl bed as early as tonight. I will try and let you know how that goes. So now we need a bed, a minivan bus, and an appointment at the hospital. I am sure we can get all that taken care of by April. Then I will have a new baby... that is so strange.


  1. It is strange. Almost like we're going to the hospital to pick one out!

  2. I hope they have a ginger in stock at the hospital you go to.

  3. Hee hee hee...if you could just pick one up, I would have done that already. Muwahahahahahaha

  4. Look Kelly, don't say anything to the supermodel but we have some extras. You can pick an age or a gender. We could work something out I'm sure of it.

  5. Phew! Opening doors won't be long. We have the child proof door handle thingys (for lack of a better description) and it takes me almost three tries each time just to open any door. She can only open doors that open in, so far. Sorry to hear the gang is sick. Hope mommy/supermodel is surviving.
