Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Schools In for Spring

So the students came back... No matter how hard we try to hide campus, they always find the way back. Classes resumed and I was am totally overwhelmed. I am teaching two classes for the first time and am feeling a bit behind after day one.

Basically me
Stay-Puft and the boys are progressing in life quite nicely. We still don't have a date for the winter dance as our first choice told us no. Wilson wasn't too heart broken. Grades are what we expect and so there is little to report. Stay-Puft is in her new classroom at hand in paw and seems to be getting along just fine although we do have a parent teacher conference. I am just happy its not because she is interacting with her peers using her mouth. She isn't a biter. That is nice.

This is nothing to compared to what happened while I was writing this. It has begun to snow. What this means in Alabama... cue the Milk Sandwiches. What else will you do with all that milk and bread you bought. This means that schools will be shut down. The national guard will be mobilized. Cats and Dogs getting along. So without any adeiu I give you a photographic guide to the rest of my day:

My new goal for a mini-van. This is Totally Necessary. 
Milk Sandwiches!!!! ooo or frech toast if the chickens still lay.
My sons in T- 10 minutes

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