Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Morning Day Two

I awake in The Home which at this stage is Mini-Shelter. I can hear the 4 pre-teens waking up. The adults are still asleep and I am trying to work out a rescue plan for Stay Puft and my mother. I had to leave my daughter at her school last night. I feel AWFUL. Also, I didn't force my mother to walk home with me when I went to her place of employ to pick up the supermodels coworker. She also refused to sleep in the nursing schools simulation lab because she would have to snuggle with a manequin. Hey, at least they don't snore or hog the covers.
Mothers new roomate

Roads are garbage. Abandoned vehicles everywhere. I have decided that Birmingham would not survive a zombie appacolypse. Mostly, because people never keep their phones charged or gas in their cars or refuse to leave said cars when people offer to get them to shelters. Birmingham might as well be call New Zombieville.
Abandon hope all ye who live in Birmingham

I tried to do all I could. At the end of the night I had a couch and a recliner someone could have slept on and didn't and I feel a bit guilty. If anyone within 5 miles of my house had to sleep in their car, I will die feeling guilty. Stupid boy scout training.

My plan now is to make a thermos of hot chocolate, pack up more hats and scarves etc and go get my mother and help anyone who needs it along the way. People at their core are good. I was out all day yesterday and didn't hear anyone blame the president or the republican party so that is something. I did read people complain about the meteorologist who are supposed to read their tea leaves and predict the future daily without fail. Yes they missed this. They seem to catch most of them though. Reading the local celebrity weather guy, the last time they missed one was 1982. Please people don't take your frustrations out on anyone.
Our Weather Forecaster is Waaaay better than this. give em some credit

Wish me luck...
Off to pick up Mimi.

1 comment:

  1. You're a good man! Hope you got Stay Puft back safely and that Birmingham digs itself out quickly.
