Wednesday, January 29, 2014

update from icepocalypse

its 4:30. I just got home. All of my house is under one roof again. General wrap up of day?
Walk/Hitchhike to Mimi.

Drive Mimi home in her car.

Get Supermodel and the Ginger, her coworker and head to wander up and down the interstate handing out food, meds, water etc. Almost immediatly we found a couple who had left the hospital trying to get home the day before and had sheltered at walmart and were back in their car. He was seziure prone and she had the procedure and both of them had no meds... Supermodel/humanitarian brought them to our house and put them down for a nap. Ginger Lauren and I continued to hand out food and water to cars. The big trucks kept giving me more to hand out. I had my enormous backpacking back pack. I had a net positive amount of water by the time I got home hours later. Including a gallon jug that one driver handed me.
Need help? My 8month
preggers wife would love
to help
 Anyway, several miles and exits further north we left to get to a pair of pharmacies where our boarders meds could be acquired. We then hoofed it back the 3 miles to the house. I walked back to their car to drive it to our house for them but it had been hit by a tractor trailer and was still attached. I walked back and gave the news then drove them to the car so they could deal with it and sent them on their way.
You ever seen one of these jackknife? Not since Hoth! Also, we were short on Tauntauns
Finally I got to go and pick up my favorite daughter and offered shelter to all of her teachers if they couldn't get home. Got the fox all settled in and took the Ginger to get her car in our AWD SUV. Needless to say i am pooped. All in all i walked to about 4 kabillion-zillion miles according to my feet. Realisticly it is closer to 20-25 in the last 24 hours. Boy Scouts was a long time ago but I still want to help and backpack silly distances?? I say it was brainwashing.

Stinking boys scouts and their stinking merit badge based personality modification program

Unrelated, this totally happened

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