Monday, March 4, 2013

been a while

2Pop was just at my office and reminded me that "working for a living is no fun." or something like that. ain't it the truth.

Not this queen of England
 Apparently the stomach virus that is plaguing Britain's Queen also made its way to ours, the stay-puft. We were at the satellite hospital campus with her Thursday night which was a wonderful place and she was great. I made the acute observation that children's hospitals always have the cutest nurses. The supermodel told me that I should have been a pediatrician. I am looking into it. Friday the supermodel stayed home with her and forgot she had class and lab... whoops. Then I got home and began my night of misery with what will now be call Regina-aires disease. See what I did there. Regina = Queen.... never mind  I was up all night with it and down all day the next day. But much to my delight The Devil Wears Prada continues to tell the ultimate truths in life. I was only a stomach virus away from my goal weight. The supermodel woke up with it Sunday just as I was able to pick up the mantel of parent for a day.

Let me say this. I never ever want to go back to Costco on a Sunday with a baby while having only had two pop tarts and a liter of Gatorade in the preceding two days. I made it however and am quite proud of myself. Considering that I spent the previous Sun-Wed being the only parent while the Supermodel was away being fabulous, I am an old pro now.

When I did get home, I found the boys bloody, bruised and best friends. Apparently they were play wrestling and it became real wrestling, which then became a cage match. I am waiting on the call from child protective services. Wilson near as makes no difference has a black eye.

All in all though a pretty successful weekend as I am back at work 15 pounds lighter and with zero appetite. God Save the Queens

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