Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Guess Who!

Do they have Ginger Hair? Yes? It must be Ginger Lauren!
So, I invented a new game for me and my smoking hot Russian supermodel wife to play on our anniversary. Best part about the game is I can tell you about it. Its called Guess Who. Its played in a very similar manner to the childhood game we all know and love. The major difference is in the title really. It has been converted to Guess Who Is Sick Now?

Stay-Puft in a previous
incarnation... ol Monty-zooma
Let's see where we left off. Monday we were all in school and doing well until at least 2 o'clock I would say. That is when I got the expected phone call from school. One of the boys must be erupting from both ends. I have renamed the disease from Regina-air's disease, due to no one knowing what Legionnaire's disease is, to the much preferred title Stay-Puft's Revenge. We aren't in Mexico and Montezuma never visited Homewood and she is the vector that brought it into our home so it fits.

Story of Fabulous' Life and
a Great Band name
School Nurse on the phone, "Mr. Fabulous has... insert charlie brown teacher noises." I knew what was wrong. I don't need details. "...landed on his neck... blah blah blah.... legs are tingling blah" Wait what? So I have pieced the story together now and here is the narrative. Thomas was sitting on a pair of parallel bars with a friend who is a girl (very specific about that wording). She wanted to show him a trick that a police officer friend taught her. She tied his hands together with her scarf using them as makeshift hand cuffs. I assume this police officer was more of the type from the blue oyster club. See Video...

So he is sitting on the parallel bars learning about bondage when another friend comes up and pushes him off and he lands on his neck. Sigh...

I get there, check him and Wilson out and go sit in the doctors office. At least it wasn't the satellite hospital again. We got an appointment with our regular doctor based on my puppy dog eyes and playing dumb. Guess which one I am better at. Doc checks him out and we are cleared to go eat pizza (and have a beer for dad).

Wake up today, the wife goes to make coffee and I hear someone cry out for their mother. Surely this is just Mr. Fabulous and his stiff neck. Of course not. Not while Stay-Puft's Revenge is a plague upon our house. Wilson was throwing up and throwing down but not the good kind of throw down. The very bad kind. Joy of joys. I had to teach but got home at 11 after a meeting. Go to get Mr. Fabulous from school and apparently there was a mix up with the "no PE" note and it was translated as "Sure why not PE." Not really. I am being dramatic but I did have to have an hour long meeting about how it all went down after school.

Then head to get her royal chunkiness and lo and behold, she is snotty and digging at her right ear.

Supermodel approved GI plague
Recovery Diet
Thursday: Hosp with stay puft due to the revenge
Friday: All is well until the revenge attacks me
Saturday: I have no idea I was dying. I may have died. I may owe the supermodel a thank you for resuscitating me.
Sunday: Supermodel down!
Monday: Supermodel foolishly tries to eat egg McMuffin. Then doughnut. Neck injury.
Tuesday: Revenge visits the Sneaky one, Wilson. Stay-puft tries to get an ear infection?

Pardon my french but I thought this shit was supposed to come in threes? I mean I have three kids. Is that the multiplier? 3 to the third power? If that means I have to cube my trouble I am done.

So, my version of guess who, not only could they have white hair, glasses, be a boy, have a hat, a mustache and be named George. They could also be every one of them at the same time. Happy Anniversary! (which is being postponed due to a lack of babysitters willing to enter the quarantine zone. Think that movie Outbreak (?) with Rainman and the monkey)
This monkey gave this baby this disease and we are all going
to die if we don't make an overly dramatic movie about it,
after Wapner. Gotta watch Wapner.

1 comment:

  1. This man has a gift for being able to reference Police Academy in any and all situations.
