Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spring Break

like this, only better
So, no posts for a while due to spring break being last week and well, the last thing I wanted to do was sit in front of a computer.

Beginning of the week saw our dear friend Stuben come over for bike riding and going out on the town to a comedy show as well as the most delightful dinner over at the Sweeney-Todd's. Seriously, that woman can cook. She made an orzo salad that I could have eaten all of (and there was a lot). Supermodel made the first of two Spring Break angel food cakes with strawberries and freshly whipped cream.

Who doesn't want to hang out
at 6 AM with this guy? Nobody!
Also, I crawled around in the attic and drilled holes and ran wires and what not with Stuben. I am happy to say that I no longer have extension cords of audio and Ethernet draped across my living room floor. Also, fiber optic cables in the walls. I am so fancy. I ran wires to the kitchen so I can install speakers in the ceiling. No, I don't have the speakers. I will though. We are quite fond of a morning dance party in our house and have sorely missed them since moving to the ham. So, we are only a set of speakers away from Prince and the BeeGees in the morning. Speaking of, Tito Puente is a recent discovery for excellent morning music. Always loved him but love him even more at 6:30 AM.

So fancy night out Monday and then me and the boys piled in the car to go see my grandmother and camp! Now, you must understand that I had to be back Wednesday night and so this was a 3 hour trip one way to visit and camp for less that 24 hours. It was amazing. I need more granola activities in my life. Don't get me wrong, I love wearing my suit but dang it I miss being outside. I procured a gaping wound on my forehead and bled a bit. Grandmother scared the boys to death with stories of the Wompus Cat and Ghosts of Civil War deserters.

Not that Wilson is ever that innocent but, neither
was Calvin. Plus, they are equally sneaky.
Wed through Friday was a conference here at work that we hosted. Lots of running around. Also, at some point Wilson was scared by a pouncing Mr. Fabulous. I pictured Hobbes ambushing Calvin. Wilson then pushed Fabulous who fell and caught his cheek bone on the bed post. The bruise is epic. Whole side of his face and under his eye are green and yellow. And that is a week later. Before you ask, no it did not knock any sense into him.

Supermodel's relatives came and sat around and visited from ArKansas from Thursday to Saturday. They are always fun. This justified a second angel food cake with the trimmings.
Then, Palm Sunday with Samson the Donkey and prepping to get back into the swing of things. Pretty solid week.

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