Thursday, March 14, 2013

Haps and the Craps

Last weekend was glorious and we played outside and all that. Problem is, now it is Thursday so it feels a bit silly trying to rehash old news but I will . Lets enumerate for brevity.
1. Glorious weather
2. Park
3. Spring cleaning
4. Wilson falls down stairs and at bowling alley. Rendered Useless.
5. Stay-puft falls down while trying to stand and clap at the same time. Shes fine and continues to try.
6. She uses her "judgey" eyes to call Wilson a whiner and a quitter. It was shameful the look she gave him.
1. Time change
2. Boys develop passionate hatred for poor ol Ben Franklin and his Daylight Saving Time
3. Open Windows and let glorious fresh air in. Hoping fresh air cures Mr. Fabulous of his current attitude.
4. Take the Stay-Puft to go shop. Just me and her cause I like to earn her brownie points. Our kids pick our nursing homes. I am just starting early.
5. Stop by the parents house. (Not to discuss their impending committal)
6. Grandmother is there with my Aunt and go figure, they don't care a thing about me. I had the baby. I am getting use to this response from people. Now to learn to use it to my advantage...

This work week is more of last week. The job has gotten a bit stressful but not because of classroom stuff or research. It is the weird third category in academia. University Service. Who knew?

Also, work is lame. No buddy's here to hang out with or get lunch with. I miss my friends and coworkers in MS for various reasons. In happy news, I just found out that the baby was invited to the Sweeny-Todd's for a BBQ on Saturday and I am pumped because she chose me as her +1. Supermodel is going to be upset but look somebody has to be the little monsters favorite. Here is to spring break and a BBQ.

1 comment:

  1. I'm assuming that the supermodel is bringing the dessert. You are expected to show up with BOTH baby AND dessert. Don't try to get away with only one or the other...
