Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Supermodel Scrooge

long break between posts. I am awful.

Advising Future Doctors
Its Halloween  I am wearing my "I'm a Treat" shirt and loving it. The weather is glorious, the baby is healthy and we are at these weird doldrums in the semester where I get to just teach and not worry about grades and tests convincing people to drop before they fail. (there is advising but come on who doesn't love doling out advice). I digress.

I haven't written because of being busy with work but also, it has been so beautiful of late that I have actually requested spending time with family. Strange I know. Yesterday, baby stay puft had an appointment at the doctor where her parents found out she is still quite large with a side of snotty nose. I then went and retrieved our other two children, Wilson and Mr. Fabulous. We then enjoyed the best kind of fun, forced family fun. I enjoyed it and the boys better look back on these years as the best years they have ever had so help me god. We all went for a stroll through our neighborhood. We love to do this when time allows. It is possible that we are the only family that does this sort of thing but I force this type of family fun because you can't convince me that it isn't post war 1955. After getting back, the boys and I set out to carve pumpkins.

My actual truck. It's fabulous (to me)
Pandora "Family Halloween" station, lazy magnolia beer, and carving pumpkins on the back of my truck. This is the recipe for a near perfect fall afternoon. This is where we hit the rub. Apparently the Russian Supermodel doesn't celebrate Halloween. She has in the past when friends threw parties and was the life of the party and the star of the after party but with just her family she can't find a reason to get dressed up. She is now Scrooge Mc'Ducking the rest of us by not dressing up Princess Chunkykins either! Stay Puft was the key to extra candy. Babies equal at least double candy allotments per house. I may Bush era Halloween Candy Tax for Moms expire. No more first dibs out of the boys bags!

She couldn't be bothered
Ruined both applicable
holidays for me!
I have a theory. First, this past weekend while Mr. Fabulous was spending the night away, Wilson and I drank cider and played Battleship in front of the fire. (yes it is cold enough for a fire) This made her want to decorate for Christmas! Blasphemy I say. I know she wouldn't decorate this early but now she has it on the brain. Who throws Halloween and more importantly Thanksgiving under the bus for stinking Christmas? Ghost Pilgrims are rolling in their graves. Second! I know for a fact that the artsy little hostess(cake) with the most-est hiding out behind her "sexy scientist" costume is dying to start a family tradition of a costume party at our house for the event. I think she is boycotting because she can't have her party. Let her have her party and see the hand-sewn bespoke one-off sexy yet appropriate regalia that she creates out of bits of string and found objects.

So the day at work is drawing to a close and I am nibbling on chocolates and staring at my three wee pumpkins on my desk enjoying this first holiday of fall while my Smoking Hot Supermodel Wife tries to think of ways to get out of trick or treating. For shame.

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