Monday, October 15, 2012

Hotty Toddy

Wilson's best friend
Weekend away from home was needed. Wilson had developed two separate rashes in as many weeks and was on enough Benadryl to gentle a horse and was still kicking. Mr. Fabulous survived a week of birthday festivities including an artificially red strawberry cake. Red really isn't the word. That would be like saying grape flavoring in cold medicine tastes like grapes. This was the color of a cherry slush puppy. There was so much food coloring that it tasted more like food coloring that strawberry cake. I digress.

A weekend away. There was a mad rush Friday to make this happen but we got the family packed and on the road and make the quick jaunt to Oxford, MS. 

(Well, no we didn't. We went to Water Valley Mississippi to drop the boys off to spend time with their dad's family. Where we got to spend time with the supermodels ex-inlaws and introduce stay puft. I would be lying if i said that this was anything but strange. These are some of the nicest people you can meet and are welcoming and invite you in and offer you sweet tea and a spot on the porch. They ooo and ahh over the baby and then you realize that this is odd. The boys grandfather is sincere and honest and pulled me to the side to thank me for raising the boys right (humbling). I always leave knowing two things. 1. I have to continue to not kill the boys and 2. It is odd to spend time with your ex-in/out laws twice removed. Not bad, just odd.)

rough sketch of noonanza
We then go to Paris, MS to visit the petting zoo that is Noonanza. This is the home of my former doctoral adviser and his wife , two children, father, one of his grad students, 4 dogs, 2 cats, 2 rats, ~30 chickens, ~5 goats, 5 African spur-thigh-ed tortoises of a size that allows children to ride them, 3 peacocks, a plethora of heritage breed turkeys, a parrot, a gaggle of geese, whatever is living is their sons room (probably a few snakes) and I think that is it. I know I left some out and they will correct me but that is all I can remember off the top of my head. Its more of a compound with various homes and barns and coops.  Its always a good time. 

Apple Pie flavor to be exact
In our weekend there we had raw goats milk with Oreo's, alligator tail, rabbit (that's what i forgot! load of these.), moonshine and other things that just don't come to mind as far as locally raised or personally killed in the case of the alligator. This is a quality family. We had a wonderful time and ate like kings. Their daughter took control of stay puft's care and may have a permanent job if she is willing to drop out of middle school and leave her family. (If that qualifies as human trafficking so be it.) 

We spent the day Saturday visiting old friends (the Candy Lady and the Jedi) and then lounging in The Grove™. The baby giant was passed around and drinks were poured. The weather was glorious and apparently there was a football game. Did we have tickets and could we have gone? Yes but who leaves good company and great food to watch non-Crimson Tide football? Everyone before they die should regardless of sports fandom spend a game day in The Grove™. Trust me. Girls in cocktail dresses and tall shoes competing to see who can walk the furthest without falling down or spilling their bourbon should be an Olympic event. I even got to go walk around my old building and be glad its not my building anymore. It was nice. 
The noonan boy and my dinner

Back at the ranch that evening the festivities continued well into the evening. I am happy to report that I stayed away past 9 both nights. Big weekend for me. Home brewed beer was had as well as other blue ribbon winning beer. The gator was fried. The wings were fried. The rabbit was wascally and delicious. We crashed at the end of the night. 

Sunday morning, the mythical beast that is stay puft and I took a walk to see the barnyard animals as we had done the day before but we went to visit the patriarch of the group who is a rock star woodworker and a philanthropist with a heart of gold. He and I sat and drank coffee, watched the baby play, and enjoyed a thunderstorm blowing in. Best morning ever. Lazy Sunday followed a lazy Saturday and then we came home and jumped into the busiest week I have had in a long time. Go figure. I did remember why I love the supermodel and how fun it spend time with friends with her hanging on my arm. 


  1. I've missed everything there soooo much. Thanks Drew for sharing the wonderful weekend.

  2. And we love the Noonans and Miss Nok! I can't wait to get back over to Oxford again soon. Although, if Thailand to see Nok is the other option then I may go there first.
