Friday, October 19, 2012

Love is in the air (in Mexico)

Lunch at Hall-Kent
Yeah so love is apparently in the air at the boys elementary school. To catch you all up to speed, last year Wilson (the elder) was hounded by the fairer sex all of last year. By hounded, I mean to say that he was chased around the school and playground and had his shins kicked in. There were constant bruises and discussions of wearing shin guards under his jeans were discussed. It culminated in gang (yes gang) of these girls hyped up on the deluge of hormones that accompanies pre-pubescence, cornering poor Wilson on the playground and attempting to rip his favorite shirt from his body thus revealing his HotBod®. His mother has saved this shirt along with other bits of the boys youth in a box labeled blackmail to be used "only in case of wedding rehearsal."

Sword Fight!
This as well as Wilson matured over the summer and he informed his mother and I at the breakfast table this morning that he in fact has a girlfriend. His first. She is shy and nice and they are very quiet about the whole thing. We had been tipped off to this fact by another parent. The supermodel was not happy that she was the last to know and did her best Spanish inquisition reenactment this morning (without all the roman catholic business and was wearing her confederate uniform replica. It was her only reenactment gear clean). Apparently I tease him too much about his budding romance and so it was hidden from the family. I told him I would relent so to avoid any Shakespearean Drama (Mr. Fabulous would totally be Tybalt. Starts a sword fight to save his family and then is killed by that family member).

Do you or do you not have a girlfriend?
Now we have traveled back in time to kill Mercutio and punish non-Catholics but have yet to mention Mexico. How does this fit in you ask? Mr. Fabulous has been cornered! His attackers similar to his brothers. Now before I continue I have to tell you that Mr. Fabulous has had many, many girlfriends. Many of these terms in office ran concurrently. After one tailgate in the Grove he came back and informed us that he was dating the majority of the Tri-Delta sorority. Shy he is not but alas the tables have turned.

Poor Mr. Fabulous
His attackers serenaded him with the classic school yard ditty, "I want to go to Mexico. Grab [Mr. Fabulous] by the hips and kiss him on the lips. I want to go to Mexico." I know all are thinking that is classic and about the last time you heard this. The supermodel and I had never heard this one. I blame it my sub par schooling. He tried to relay this to us at dinner but was so embarrassed that he couldn't get through it and Wilson had to relay the exact words of the song. We have found the one thing that Mr. Fab can't stand. Girls liking him back. Alas, yesterday the tune had changed to I don't want to go to Mexico, No No No. Girls are so fickle.

She didn't want to go to Mexico
I tried the song out on the supermodel. Apparently it only works coming from the female and upon her refusal no one stepped in to run her through with a sword for dishonoring me (It was after Tybalt's bed time). So, I am looking for a babysitter so that I can take the supermodel to Mexico and to keep the boys from ever going there.

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