Monday, September 17, 2012

Schmancy Nights Out!

I'm totally not racist! 

     Big weekend around the house. Friday was a dinner with the people from church and what will become our Sunday school class. Should have been brilliant. Met some nice people and then were cornered by the craziest guy I have met in quite some time. Scientist who wants more focus on research and money for it at UAB. Works on AIDs. All seems like our people. Then he berates us about every right wing talking point he can think of from freedom of speech with no bounds to why Ole Miss  should still sing Dixie and fly the Confederate Battle Flag at football games. Needless to say, “we had to get home because we told the babysitter we would be home early.” I really don’t want to relive it. The Russian supermodel kept it together for the most part and didn't hit him and only swore once. I on the other hand was very bothered by the whole thing and can feel myself getting all fired up again so I will drop it.

     Saturday was a lazy around the house day with Mr. Fabulous, the Stay Puft baby, and Son number 1 (who needs a better title).  We had a dinner scheduled with my running team at a fabulous restaurant in our little city which we had only heard wonderful things about. My half-marathon was on Sunday morning so 2Pop and Biggie kept the progeny for the night. On the way to drop them off Mr. Fabulous swore we missed the turn. His mother assured him that we didn’t. He insisted that we had and asked where Magellan was taking him. Fearing mutiny from the backseat and having no time for walking the plank, I told him Florida. The supermodel relayed our plans to leave them there to fend for themselves.

   Son number one immediately slipped into Cast Away mode. He told his brother “Yeah! It’ll be awesome! We will have beards and be out in the ocean and see a fish and be all ‘let’s catch this rascal!’ it’ll be so much fun!” (He speaks only in run-on sentences.) The supermodel lost her mind laughing. A deep, good for the soul, belly laugh. She pictured them being there 30 minutes, draping Spanish moss on their faces and chanting. I picture lord of the flies. Mr. Fabulous and Wilson (New name for Son 1). Best of Friends and in rare form. We opened the door booted them out and left a baby on the doorstep of a very nice couple who we hoped were my parental units and were out! A first night at home without any children for quite some time and an Ab Fab dinner!? Stop it and what would you expect this to cost you? Your soul? No just a 13 mile run. So simple.

Made it home. Danced the happy dance and prepped ourselves for a delicious meal at Gian Marco’s in Homewood AL. Highlights included delicious stuff fig app, whatever that sauce was that the clam app was cooked in(my guess bathsalts, heroine, and tears of virgins), my dinner was amazing. I don’t know what everyone else thought but I had a fantastic evening and realized that having friends like dub dub family and the Falacia/Dr. Mr. Other guy family make me very lucky. We always have fun with them and if it weren’t for them the supermodel and I wouldn’t have any grown up friends in town we can hang out with.  A friend of the supermodel and I keeps a blog ( and shows off her kid-free, care-free wining and dining all around town and I hate her for how much fun she goes out and has but Saturday night made it better.  So we ate, drank, and were merry. All our single friends should be totally jealous or not.. There ended the easy part of the weekend. We went to bed early and set our alarms for an obscene time… to be continued. 


  1. I expect a recap of the Sunday School class adventure as I'm quite impressed that the Russian Supermodel was able to only curse once during this interaction.

  2. I just got the low down on the clam sauce....that sounds wonderful.

  3. Clam sauce was delicious but in our late night hunger we totally ate the last of the supermodel's yeast rolls and white wine/mushroom/cream sauce. She wouldn't say it but totally just as good.
