Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Movie Night

So the supermodel and I realized we shared a gap in our movie knowledge as neither of us had ever seen Road House before last night. Now the supermodel fell apart first when she saw the Ferrari pull up and a girl get out in black pumps in the opening credits. To my dear wife's credit, she has learned to appreciate and love Italian super-cars as much as I have learned to appreciate couture heels. Granted her first love is the heels but then any Lambo SuperLigera.

Her second moment of bliss happened when we got far enough into the movie to realize that this was the exact same thing as Dirty Dancing. Plot devices that are important are accompanied by the appropriate music so as to let you know to pay attention. It really is the best type of movie. Now the supermodels obsession with dirty dancing is genetic and her maternal grandmother who is the most prim and proper woman ever must watch it whenever it comes on TV. (I ADORE the duchess as she will henceforth be known) I do believe she might even postpone a bridge game for it. I doubt it but it is possible.

The only major differences in this movie is that the bad guy is creepy as H and not a lawyer from law and order and a young (dreamy) Sam Elliot shows up with a silver mane. To quote another great movie of the era (They Live), He was there "to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of bubble gum." He really was the highlight of the movie for me. I think it is mostly because I covet his ability to grow luxuriant facial hair.

We had to stay up late to make it happen (9:30) but we watched an entire movie after the kids were in bed and laughed and really had a great night. It was long overdue for us to have a night at home just spending time together and nothing brings you together like a naked Patrick Swazye butt and liberal rating system from the 1980's. Seriously this movie was sponsored by actors on coke and nudity, lots of it. Well done 1980's. That is what the concert from a week ago seemed to be missing from its 80's repitoire, topless girls, foul language and a G rating. 

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