Thursday, April 16, 2015

Scouting in the Rain

It is said that when it rains on scout trips that dads get wet and boys have a great time. We shall see about that!

both boys have been introduced to scouting now. AARP will be going on his third campout this weekend. The first it was cold then rained. The second it rained then backpacked 20 miles. This time? Rain and Wilderness Survival. That happens this weekend. Mr. Fabulous will be participating in the camping 101 course at the same time. Now, not to be undone he raised his hand at the meeting and asked, "What if they new scouts want to do wilderness survival instead?" The scoutmaster suggested that the new scouts do 101 and learn the basics etc. Not to be outdone Mr. Fabulous looks at him and says, "So, it is a possibility." No wonder he gets in trouble at school.
Shelters built by scouts
AARP is allowed to take one shoebox to camp with this weekend. He will be given no food. No tent. No help. I have offered to talk to him about it or help but he is not interested. He was supposed to be packed and take it to the meeting last night to have it checked out and edited. He did not remember to do that. He has to pack food for Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. 
A solid choice of items to help make the weekend comfortable
What AARP has in his mind to take. 
To be honest i am wildly jealous and want to do this so bad and show off. I would have a shelter that would make me question coming home. I picture furniture and running water and maybe a coconut radio. We will see what he come up with. I can't see a version of this where he doesn't sleep in a puddle. 
This was my original thought but have got bigger plans now
So, AARP will be wet and have his engineering skills tested while Mr. Fabulous assumes he knows everything and people attempt to teach him. I plan on taking notes.
Welcome to my weekend. I can't wait honestly.
 Spoiler Alert! I know secrets about this trip that will make it juicier. We are providing ingredients for dinner on Saturday for Wilderness Survival. What ingredients? Whole. Stinking. Skinned. Raw. Rabbits. Stay tuned for how that turns out Mr. Easter Bunny!

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