Monday, April 20, 2015

Noah has nothing on AARP

I Have to get this hat.
We recapped in the car this morning AARP's first three campouts.
1. Rain and a tent
2. Rain and 20 miles of Backpacking
3. Rain and no tent and little food.

He is making the Donner Party look bad. Also, he won't know what to do if the sun shines and he sleeps in a tent.

First night for him? Showed up and it was raining. Had to build a shelter to stay damp. Dry never factored into our weekend. He then had to snack on whatever he brought. His francophile Latina mother has made an impression on him. A block of cheese and tortillas were his rations. That night it rained less.

I went to check on the 11 Wilderness Survival young men in the morning and they were already reengineering their shelter. They had taken their plastic sheeting off and were eating/drying out and generally make a ton of noise and racket. I then made two observations. 1. There was my son AARP still sleeping in the shelter that was coming down around him. 2. The lack of cleanliness let an opossum to their camp the night before and he was perched about 10 feet up in a tree. He was scared they would eat him. He was right to be scared. Also, poor opossum couldn't get down and didn't until the next night.

Night two was worse. New shelter was much worse than number one and it POURED rain on them. I was going to get up and go check but didn't. No reason. Just didn't.
AARP's spirit animal. This was where he slept more or less but with more standing water.
The campsites we stayed in were muddy and cold and muddy but we all had a nice time. Mr. Fabulous won a trinket for having the best attitude and always offering to jump in and help. No one was more surprised that me. Also AARP relayed to me this morning that it was true and he was well behaved and respectful to the older scouts running his Camping 101 program and helping his patrol learn the ropes. Also, he did everyones dishes all weekend including scrubbing pots and pans. I tried to get him to help at home last night but it is apparently not the same thing.

Big campfire on Saturday night was closed out with the retirement of American Flags that people have dropped off with the troop. Boy Scouts are one of only a few groups who destroy flags and the boys really were respectful and got it. That was nice. They then went back and tore into some nachos the adults made for them. What pairs well with patriotism? Pasteurized Cheese Product by the gallon.

God Bless America. 
Oh the rabbit you ask? I was put in charge of cooking it over charcoal because in years past they wilderness survival campers undercooked in out of starvation. Also, it was delicious. the adults nabbed one for us and that poor thing was picked clean. 12 rabbits were sacrificed. I hope that I can get the pictures for you, It was graphic.
Look, they are spooning
Lots of quoting this classic American folk tale

All is well that ends well and our belongings are dripping dry in the basement that was flooded when we got home (ask me how excited about that I was). Laundry is done. Medicine has been doled out. Mr. Fabulous' feet are swollen and blistered due to playing in puddles in wet socks and shoes all weekend.

Lil Reezy and My Shadow? The supermodel told me not to complain and that I had better say I enjoyed my weekend because I am never going camping and leaving her again. Spoiler Alert? There is a family camp out this fall and The Home is going on the road.
The only way the Supermodel will camp. Nice Yurt.

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