Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Wrapping up the holidays (finally)

Kids make Christmas better. That is all there is to it. So Christmas was fun. A lot of fun. Busy like the rest of you but fun.

Prior to the day of, The Supermodel and I attended her work Christmas Party at a local brewery/ pizza place. I made sure to set up in the middle of the table so as to spur on interesting conversation if it got a bit slow. I was between the fire performer and rhymes with Eva. Rhymes with Eva and I could get in a lot of trouble together and I relish the day it happens. We all ate and laughed and had a good time. It included boss man ditching his family to go to a second brewery with us. For clarification, the fire performer is in fact a super fun girl who plays with fire literally.

Just have fire shooting out of your choice of misfit toys
and a lot more craft beer
and delicious pork themed pizza.

The lead up to Christmas was family and food then the holidays.

Kids make New Years worse. That is all there is to it. We haven't gone out and celebrated with a black tie or night out maybe ever. Also all of the kids are in bed by 8. Do you really think The Supermodel is going to stay up another 4 hours? More importantly, I won't. So you wake up the next day and make coffee. After coffee you tell one another happy new year. I see facebook pictures of families staying up. I just don't get new years.
I like that this doesn't even mention New Year's Eve.
I could use on an as needed basis


  1. Well, you know. After New Year's listening to Pokey LaFarge and dancing at the Lyric, what's left? Epic New Year Achievement has already been unlocked.

  2. That is what I need! I need my achievement list updated (and created). Let the Brainstorming begin!

  3. Shoot, unfortunately I don't work with that group anymore...although you could have told me. I would have crashed :)
