Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tales from the Road

I have gotten to a point in my life where I can work with my father. We are out on the road doing food safety training together. I have become my father. We look the same, act the same and both have an odd appetite for Chinese food at any given time.

I could write this all out but google has curated all these images of our time together so I may as well use them.
Its not that I mind getting up early for reasons other than the progeny
it is just early early to get picked up by 2Pop
Road Trip! In the dark
Get there early so Surprise Breakfast
All day seminar/course on food handling for a bunch of women who could school me
Also I love making these women laugh.
If anyone asks what heaven looks like, this is it if you have progeny.
These things even have cable television!
Get the worst Chinese food I have ever had.
I felt sick walking in the door and smelling it.
It tasted worse.
I still ate a lot and the Hot and Sour soup is always safe
2Pops fortune was blank. We decided that maybe I should drive. 

 Today has been a repeat of the same. We are having fun and I am very appreciative of the time I get to spend with him. Not everyone gets chances like this. Also, all these women know him and love him. I get it but sheesh. I have decided to sit in the back and pick on him and he does the same.
Next up I lecture for a bit and get picked on. Then? I am translating for a woman who speaks Spanish while they take their standardized test. In case any of you are unaware, just because I married a Hispanic Supermodel that doesn't mean I automatically learn her native tongue. I mean I know some words... should be interesting.


  1. Replies
    1. Not exactly. Not sleeping well and a bad Chinese buffet experience are not exactly vacay material
