Monday, January 26, 2015

Hats and Plans Hatched

Last week I was volunteered to take my 93 year old grandfather, Big Dino(namesake of lil dino), to some doctors appointments. I adore the man. I was excited to get to spend the day with him. There are some issues that arise when you are 93 that don't arise when you are 33. Bending over to put on shoes and socks is one. The button on your pants is another. The T rex arms don't help. He has figured out systems for dealing with these and is still quite independent for his age. I hope to be that together when I am half his age.
Old Man still rocks a hat HARD. 
The appointments went well and we spent a chunk of the day with my uncle eating fried chicken and talking plumbing, gardening, and westerns on TV. That is the good life just so you know.  As we left my uncles we passed the casino. Now, my grandfather doesn't smoke, only likes a cold beer with a hot dog every once and a while, and in my eyes does no wrong. I asked him if we should blow off the doctor and go gambling instead. He asked if I like to gamble. I don't. He said he didn't either but then with what can only be described as a shimmer in his eye he said.... "But I do like to throw them dice"
My roots. Still with the hats too. I am totally going to wear one tomorrow.
What the what!? I now have a serious plan in my head. I will at some point blow off my life for a day, break him out of his nursing home, go and shop for matching suits and go throw them dice! I am picturing rain man. I may have to go re-watch it. This is totally a thing.

We just gotta be home by Wapner
If you hear about a resident going missing from a nursing home in Montgomery, whatever you do, don't check the casino.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you do get to break him out to go to the casino. That would be a good time.
