Friday, August 8, 2014

update time

two hours into this thing. a monsoon has caught me out on a pizza run and I may never dry out. I don't mind being a bit damp. The pizza was fine as well. The boys parade had been rained upon. No more playing outside.

I found half of them (plus StayPuft) outside in the rain, covered in mud and playing in the tree house. The SuperModel met them at the door and demanded they strip and go change into dry clothes. I let them get in the house before taking off their clothes. I am just currying favor.
Not the exact picture I didn't take but close. 
We have begun drinking prophylactically (as one does with 10 kids under their roof) and have the infant down. Only issue other than rain is keeping StayPuft away from all of her new best/boyfriends.

1 comment:

  1. Wondered how you were handling the weather - sounds like such fun. Would offer to bring wine reinforcements, but I find myself unable to commit to the drive. #fridaynight
