Friday, August 8, 2014

Brotherly Host Party Rolls Around Again

We have begun keeping RexARoni and StayPuft in the same room at night and it has gone as well as one could hope. This parenting gig just isn't challenging enough.

It is time for the annual Brotherly Host Party.

The boys work for months to party plan. They save money. I took the boys go to the grocery to purchase heaping piles of food that make my pancreas quake in its proverbial boots. Mr. Fabulous decided that anything costing approximately three dollars is "a really good deal." They have invited over a handful of friends each to spend the night. I will hunker down for the evening with a roll of paper towels and the crash cart from Children's Hospital after the pizza and ice cream. I know I will need the absorbent material. I assume I will need the WWII style wound dressing.
"so we were playing this awesome game on the rope swing with the axe...."
Last year, as you may remember, the Supermodel absconded with StayPuft and had a girls night elsewhere. You may also remember that I handled the situation with the same dignity and sense of decorum as you all expect from me. That was too easy. This year for a challenge I am keeping my wife, infant and toddler in the house with the ten boys perched precariously at the point of prepubescence. I will start a pool on which of us handles the evening the best. I am cheating and have hidden beer for myself. Smart money goes with: Supermodel with a wineglass and a vague excuse not to get out of bed in the morning. StayPuft getting 10 new boyfriends. RexARoni crying on and off and being the SuperModel's vague excuse. A perfect night is just as likely to happen I imagine.
This could totally happen... Please say it could. Look how not sweaty they are.
Look how they still have their shirts on. Bonus points because I can't smell the picture.
I hope to get an emergency phone call from somewhere that requires me to leave for the next 12 hours. If you are the one to make that phone call, there may or may not be a reward and I may or may not share my beer with you.

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