Saturday, August 9, 2014

they live

Have you ever seen the movie "they live"? Rowdy Roddy Piper and aliens and subliminal messages and.. oh well. I digress
put on the sunglasses and see them for what they are. I have put on my sunglasses.
They are middle school boys
Its morning. We have started a load of laundry that includes clothes found in various parts of our house and car port. I think some of the socks may have matches and there is a shirt for every boy. Why is there a shirt for every boy? At 1:30 I went to break up a topless pillow fight. It was by far the worst Abercrombie modeling shoot ever. I collected shirts and am laundering. Also, at some point, the SuperModel took a giant bowl of Laughy Taffy and threw into the basement with the hoard. We will be finding wrappers for years.
What they think they look like in their selfies

What the selfie actually looks like. 

As I sit here typing this, the SuperModel is downstairs with a pillow waking up the older half of this party and luring them upstairs with doughnuts that StayPuft and I went to go buy for her boyfriends at 6:30.

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