Wednesday, July 2, 2014

beach trip

Summer is a third over more or less now. The family trip to the beach is done. Let's start there shall we?

A week at the beach with the 6 of us plus my sister's family and MiMi and 2Pop makes 12. We really love each other or else this wouldn't work. You never hear of sardine's getting into arguments in their little cans or peas in their pods. AARP and Mr. Fabulous got a bedroom that was only accessible from outside with its own bathroom and its own rules. They had a TV and no supervision. AARP has taken to his middle schooler persona quite well and slept till ten, came to beach, back to eat and watch tv at noon, back to the beach for a bit then hide till the next morning at 10. Its good to be 12. His brother followed his lead for the most part and they had a great time boogie boarding and playing in the water.
What AARP thinks he looks like in his sunglasses. Waaay too much swag for hanging out with me.

Number 4 loves to nap on the beach. I think he gets that from MiMi. The major difference is that he doesn't require the drinks cart arrive promptly at 4:30. My aim at the beach is to cater to my mother's every whim. You want wine coolers? Let me go to the store for you. You want them iced down and arriving promptly at 4:30? Done. You need me and the men folks to set up a canopy before you wake up in the morning for everyone to sit under? Happy to. Set up two secondary "time out" umbrellas incase someone has too much family time? Taken care of.

My mothers view for the week
My mother loves the beach and I make sure it stays that way. Felicia tags along with MiMi and are both as happy as some barnyard animal I can't think of laying in the sunshine.

Now, the real treat as some of you read on the book of faces, Stay Puft. She needs a new nom de plume BTW. Her mother described her as a drunken sorority girl on spring break in panama city. You put on her swim suit and she strips it off and runs naked through the house. She would go out and party as hard as she could all day and then fall over and pass out at night. She wanders out into the ocean in her own, stumbling around. You go and offer help. "No!" She was that girl. No one in the history of the beach has enjoyed it more than she did. 


She got tuckered by the end and decided to just sit on the beach with pails of water and plastic shovels and cook. She moved water from pail to pail and added sand. Lots of stirring was required. While doing this she would talk and gesture wildly. Picture Julia Child on location making Bouillabaisse. 
I'm Going to The Beach!

Needless to say we didn't get our family picture in kaki's and white shirts on the beach but 't was a good week. 


  1. I need this (blogging) to happen more. It makes my day oh so fabulous!

  2. Agreed...I need more posts! Per Granddaddy, the expression is, "happy as a dead pig laying in the sunshine."
