Monday, June 2, 2014

Date Night

Every three years wether you need it or not.

2Pop and Biggie Mimi kept StayPuft and Number 4 Saturday night for a bit so that the supermodel and I could go have a date. We were going to go to Avondale and eat and then walk over to the brewery and have quiet drink or two.  Turns out she and I are both a bit chatty. Went to the new pizza place over there, Post Office Pies. It was quite yummy but we sat down at a communal table and then a husband a wife sat down next to us. Somehow a conversation was struck up. Yada yada yada several high gravity beers later, the supermodel is gesturing wildly with her hands as she tells an anecdote as a good latin woman does and it is several hours later. I take responsibility for my share of the conversation as would Jeff if he were here. It is just fun to picture current wife trying to get a point across using only her hands. We told the couple goodbye and then looked at our watches. Time to go pick up the kids who we found out are acting age appropriate now and had worn my parents out.
"So at first it they fine and normal and then I balled them up and crushed them."
when referring to the souls of her enemies 

Not sure that was the date night we wanted but it was nice to go out with my smoking hot wife and not have my head on a swivel looking to see what StayPuft was destroying, who Mr. Fabulous was conning out of their wallet, or hearing how we were doing on time from AARP.

Yes my wife is gregarious and talks with her hands but it is in the best way. Sure she has saddled me with four of the most wonderful kids ever. No our date night didn't exactly follow strict lady and the tramp eating in a filthy alley standards. However, I would not trade it for the world.

1 comment:

  1. If you stuck a spoon in this it would stand up - too sweet.
