Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mix Tape Monday

I am the great dane with the pipe. 
So, long time no see. How have you been? Me you ask? It has been glorious around Casa de Big Cat. We had a friend from my work over with her husband and kids and then this past Saturday Ginger Lauren (so as not to be confused with Stuncapher Lauren who I also adore) came over for dinner and a game of cards. 2Pop my father came and took the boys to the new baseball stadium to watch a game and eat all of his retirement savings in the form of peanuts and crackerjacks apparently. I will get to this stadium before summer is over. Parties interested in joining me and the fam please speak up. Anyway Ginger Lauren... I will say this about the Ginger Lauren, she is as ruthless as she is adorable. We played phase ten and drank wine and she kicked my butt. I can admit it. I am not happy and thus will have to go buy more wine and cook dinner again and try the whole evening over. I am getting a redo. I demand a redo. This time I am inviting more people (Andringa I am looking at you) and will win. If not I will buy more wine and well you get the picture. I don't admit defeat!

 Also, Wilson and Fabulous are doing testing this week. Standardized testing is the worst. I remember it being like 3 days and schools basically shut down. The boys have almost two weeks of testing. What the what. Poor kids will not be left behind.

Now why I started writing today:
Don't show these to college
students. They have no idea
what to do with them. 
Mix tapes. I feel like it is a lost art. When was the last time you traded mix tapes with someone? Too long I tell you. When was the last time you used a tape? I have a tape deck in my car. My only tape is a green cassette of ill communication. My generation moved to CDs and the last of physical media for music. We are trying to revive vinyl but honestly digital is where we are. The problem with iTunes is there is no "share your mix tape" function.

Why did these ever go away?
Because you stopped making them!
Hear ye! Hear ye! I am bringing it back! I will throw this offer out, you make a mix tape of your current favorite music and get it to me and I will get a copy of mine to you. How do we find new music these days? the internet!? Pshaah! Together I say! get me your mix tape. I have recently completed a doozy. It is Finals week here next week which signals summer. Time for music. Road Trip Music! Beach Music! Porch Sitting Music! Bring it back! (I fully expect you to disappoint me and not participate and that makes me sad. Do you want me to be sad? Do you want El Fox to be sad?)

you know you wanna!
Summary: Summer ya! Testing Boo. Ginger "card shark" Lauren is going down. Get me some new music and you will get some yourself!


  1. I'm in....I don't know how to play phase 10 but I'll learn. muwahahahahahahahaha

    Also I"m in on the mix tape (burned CD from Itunes) adventure but you should be careful what you ask for. My musical tastes are kind of all over the map...its more fun that way.

  2. There are 3, count them three, different mix tapes burnt and hanging on my bulletin board in my office waiting on willing participants in the Mix Tape swap...
