Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Summer of Fun!

To quote the great Alice Cooper, School is out for summer. My summer class got canceled due to low enrollment. (If I can't tempt students with 15$ worth of textbooks and 90% field trips then the class just wasn't meant to make.) So, we get to the point of the school year where I am the only person in the office on my floor and fall into a bit of a funk. Don't get me wrong, I love the academic calendar. It gives a certain rhythm to things. Problem is that the rhythm is slow right now.

Not quite this bad. Not quite.
Boys end school on Thursday and I begin the summer of minivan. I will be chasing my own tail this summer trying to hustle up as much scratch as I can. My dear sweet volvo is dying. I haven't decided to shoot it yet but it has developed a limp. It has to go in the shop soon so I hopefully will be commuting by bike. My muffin tops have missed an excuse to visit with my bike. It may be time to shed my winter weight and get beach ready. Beach ready to me means that I have whiskey and good books to read but apparently winter weight is not welcome at the beach. Soooo time to look for a bike trailer to borrow to get Stay Puft to the school or require that the supermodel be responsible for her (so I am searching the craigslist for a bike trailer)
forget a bike trailer! I want a sidecar! what the what?!

Also, this is a great time to dream about house projects. Book cases are soon but they are boring to plan. I am planning a garage renovation. Don't do this. Avoid this. There is a future
pintrest board all about dreams. In about 18 years or so, it will become a reality. Mark my words!


  1. I'm sure that Stay Puft will love the bike trailer although I do love the side car idea. Would that make it a bit like daddy training wheels though?

  2. training wheels are just an added bonus
