Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Real People Work

Working stinks! okay not it doesn't. I love my work and helping student but dang....

My smartypants kids in bioinformatics are killing it but now i have to challenge them somehow. I think an exam might be a good measure of this.

The boys were at their dad's house in MS this weekend and so, the little lady and I had a morning together shopping. The supermodel came too but wasn't of any concern. This baby has softened me. I can admit that. I love being a dad and cannot wait until we have the money saved up in the bank for a minivan (and the money to make it look like this...)

Not that I am picky.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! Gonna join the minivan crew... i love ours and wouldn't trade it for anything now. Hope you and the family are well. Miss you guys.
