Friday, February 1, 2013

Live blog - elementary school talent show

We are an hour and 40 minutes into comedy gold. Dance, song, karate demonstrations. Blue wigs, black light rave dances, and a LOT of Taylor Swift angst in 3rd graders. Will try to give play by play.

7:35 Sequins are big this year.

7:40 Little person song and dance.

7:44 Now the Song of Songs!!!!! Apache! YouTube that mess!!! Me and a whole row of black women just jumped up to Dane along.

7:47 when did lip syncing become a talent? Just saying. More apache. This is a lull. Bring back the 1st grader in the sequined suit who nailed gangnam style in the first act.

7:49 our second christmas carol of the night.

Let me pause to say I am here alone. My whole fam came to support Wilson then ditched me. Supermodel is in class. Wilson and seƱor fabulous have run off to sit with friends. Me and Godzilla are just chillin'. Ps she passed out in act 1. Best dad ever! That row of black women told me I won. Didn't qualify that mess. Not I won the day, a door prize, their respect. I just straight up win. New business cards being printed. Big Cat, Winner.

7:53 synchronized swimming on stage. 6 2nd grade girls. Can't wait for it to start. Lots of build up. 1950's bathing caps and music. Or music is from Mario under water level. Hard to tell. Not synced. Still not bad. One act to go.... Will report back tomorrow hopefully.

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