Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wet, Without Clothes, Wilson, Trapped

New Years comes and goes for me with no fanfare. The Supermodel and I both lament this fact. But lets be honest. It is a grown up kid free holiday celebration. Someday I want to take the bride to a big party and do it right. Not this year. We went to bed. Our new year has been fun so far though. A friend of ours said that what you do on New Years Day reflects the year you are going to have. Our older son, Wilson started it with a bang. The boys went out and had a pinecone and mud battle in the rain all day on the first and came back to get baths. Wilson elected for a shower in our bathroom. I didn't hear from him for a while so, I went to check on him. Turns out, he couldn't get the shower door open. He was stuck. His brother had done this a week or two ago. No big deal, I will get you out. I go to open the bathroom door and he has locked it.

He is stuck in the shower. I am locked out of the bathroom and there is no way for us to get to one another. I try to talk him through the exit procedures to no avail. Now, senor fabulous has come to my room to join in "helping." His help is anything but. Stay Puft is in the next room napping for the first time of the day and it took an act of God to get her down. Anyone who wakes her up is going to be  sent to the orphanage. Standing rule.

Realizing what has to be done, I go get a hammer and a screwdriver. I had to take the door off the hinges and pull it out of the door jam. Wilson is intermittently turning on and off the hot water in the shower during the entire process so as to stave off hypothermia. Door off hinges and sitting against a dresser in my room, I go to open the shower door but ask him to try again and give him the exact same step by step and he opens it right up. He sheepishly looked at me and asked for a towel.

He is in for a good year.

1 comment:

  1. Oh...poor Wilson. I'm sure that he will forever remember how to exit the shower now though. Learning moment!!!
