Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Back to Things as usual

Totally a Fan. All she cares
about is passer ratings and
YAC stats.
School is back in for the boys. Stay puft is back at daycare. The Russian is culturing mono and infecting poor souls with it so as to make them immortal. I sit in my office baffled at how to write a new course for the spring and try to wrap up a research article. Oh and The University of Alabama won another national championship.

The Russian Defends this Warmack's
style as it is so close to Stay-puft's
The Russian hated football. Nary a single hotty toddy while we lived in a college town. Games were opportunities to dress well and drink outside. So maybe she was a fan in the sense that any true southern girl is a fan. Things have changed. She was introduced to Alabama football and now yells at the tv, calls players by their first name, and scolds them when they don't live up to her standards. She is modeling her life on Nick Saban's press conferences. Bless her soul. I don't even care this much and I call myself a fan.

Our past weekend was quiet and normal but we injected a healthy dose of football. We got tickets to BBVA Compass Bowl at Legion Field in Birmingham for Saturday. The night before 2Pop and I did a pre-party at a wedding reception venue/expensive car storage facility. I like cars they were neat. The open bar was nice and I met business people who wanted my card. (They didn't mean my student ID. Who knew?). Ole Miss was playing and she and I went with Biggie and 2Pop. The game the next day was fun and the Ole Miss fans left before the game was over so, we knew they were real Ole Miss fans.

Also, Feed Moncrief! Best student video, bought up by athletics department and used to market. Waited for song to play at the game.

Same basic dog. But bigger
and much sweeter. 
So, Legion Field. It is a dump. The neighborhood is poverty wrapped in ramshackle houses with enormous dogs on bigger chains attached to them. The area is famous for people with white towels waving you into their yards for parking. Everyone in the neighborhood was super nice and we had no problems. People are people no matter their station in life. Wilson pointed out one day after hanging out with me and 2Pop that we talk to everyone the same. I think we had been at Lowe's or some such. He asked why we talked to the guy working there the same way we talk to our bosses or the guy picking up our trash. He was trying to ask why we are so damn talkative and (2Pop especially) will chat up a brick wall with all the civility in the world and work to find common ground with the person. Something in common. I told him because people are people and what they do for a living or what they look like doesn't matter(and because 2Pop and I like to talk too damn much). I will never forget that conversation with him and I hope he doesn't.

Sunday was laid back and included Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not a bad day. Now last night was a different story. Wilson and Mr. Fabulous begged to stay up for the game last year so this year we acquiesced. We went to Biggie's house. Food was laid out. Boys at wings and pizza and cookie cake and had soda! Big night. Wilson didn't watch a single snap and put himself to bed before halftime. Mr. Fabulous put up a good resistance. Made it till after brother went to bed then came and watched about a quarter before he too was put to bed. "I'm not sleepy at all" were the words that came out right before his body gave up on him. The Russian yelled at the TV and updated Facebook accordingly then, I had the joy of carrying the kids to the car and taking them home. I think Wilson slept in jeans and a fleece and his shoes. I wanted to.
A bit of internet mockery....
Good one. 

Reminds me of a great joke. How do you catch a unique cat?
U -nique up on it. How do you catch a tame cat? Tame way...
U -nique up on it. 

A good weekend and another coming up.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had such a good time watching the game, I feel bad that Wilson and Mr. Fabulous were so excited about staying up for it but couldn't get to the end. Oh what am I saying, I went to bed before it was over too.
