Friday, November 16, 2012

Working for the Weekend

Weekend isn't even here yet and I am exhausted. Highlights of events to come. Baby shower at work. Two birthday parties for Wilson to attend one where they play mine-craft and the other is paintball. Seeing new bond movie with brother in law who must have heard my cries of sorrow (for the record we want our wives to come but can't find babysitters. We also may have not tried to find any). Saturday night fancy dinner at Little Savannah where I bartered some training for a fancy dinner. Sunday, I don't remember but I feel like something is happening. Also, stay-puft has given up. She doesn't care to sit up or crawl. She has found a better mode of transportation. She is still working on the routine but she now does "the worm" to get where she is going. Kid-n-Play would be so jealous. Pictorial version of upcoming weekend:

Sweet Jesus please let Thanksgiving get here soon!

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