Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I don't know who you are out there. I can see who looks at this poorly edited blog of mine where grammar is a four letter word. I know this gets posted on the book of faces by the supermodel and my sister (who got a special shout out during Mr. Fabulous' blessing last night after the dog but before me). I assume this is how you find me. 2Pop said he read this and I worried. Are you people I know? Or that I should remember from my youth? Please don't be the provost but if you are reading this, you are great.

I know iowa girl in bama reads, who are the rest of you and why don't you comment. Do I need a "like" button on here?

I write this because I am the funniest person I know and like to work on my storytelling even if it is to myself. Plus google image searching is fun. So to those of you in France, Turkey, Russia, Thailand (Nok!), etc. keep reading and I will keep writing.


  1. Well, dear boy, I read as does my mother. Although I'm not sure she is saavy enough to find it without the book of faces or knows how to comment on said blog.

  2. Apparently I'm a mermaid doll model, but with less crazy hair and 2 legs. And yes, a "like" button would most accurately represent my feelings about your posts. So sorry I can't add geographical diversity to your readership.

  3. you should be honored to be compared to that doll ginger lauren. I took that doll and cruised the hospital yesterday looking for available doctors with her.

    1. I'm very honored! I really can't think of a more appropriate place to cruise for available doctors, can you? Also, I bet carrying that doll with me would definitely aid my cause.

  4. I would be one you knew in your youth (and have known since you were born, actually). I for sure enjoy reading your blog, Drewciphus...and have laughed at least a handful of times. Take care, bud!

  5. I like this post because that's what you look like in real life.
