Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ramping up to Party Time

We are now one week away from our communal feast in this country. Biggie's my mother's family is on an every other year schedule of returning to the old homestead for this feast. This is to accommodate travelers and just makes sense. The year's in Dale County, AL are some of my fondest memories. We eat, then take a walk in the woods, then some form of sports in the front yard, then we eat again. The walk in the woods is where at some point in my youth on a particularly cold day fell into a creek and had to be rushed home to avoid hypothermia. Ask my mother and her kin about this story. They love to tell it over and over again and it may be on a VHS tape somewhere. Year's at biggie's my maternal grandmother's house are my favorite. 

This however is the other year. Mother is hosting this year. Her little sister and mother are coming to her newly renovated kitchen to cook and eat. The deadline for the renovation was "in time for thanksgiving." I appreciate this. In recent news, the boys (Wilson and Mr. Fabulous) will be in town for this and we are excited about this. They have requested sweet potatoes with marshmallow's and Wilson's famous Mac N Cheese. The boy can make a Mornay sauce. Which is basically a Béchamel sauce with shredded or grated cheese added but I am not sure his counts since the cheese is Velveta and cut into cubes. Either way, its very yummy.

Now is the time for Thanksgiving. My krewe all went to 2Pop and Biggie's last Saturday to watch the Alabama game and eat 2Pop's famous smoked chicken wings. Needless to say for most of you Texas A&M won and it honestly took the wind out of my and the supermodel's sails. She got a bit grumpy to be honest. We went upstairs near the end to finish watching the game and eat wings and after it was over, I was asked to set up the Wii. The mother formerly known as Biggie has lost A TON of weight by drinking what amounts to juice boxes and eating a healthy green dinner. She has stuck with it and its awesome. Now she has decided she wants to exercise and thinks she might play Just Dance if it were set up. I set it up and turned it on and a dance party broke out.

At some point my sister and the twins show up and the dance party escalates. I have video of this. I am not at liberty to share it. Mother busted a move (prior to being dressed in yellow or saying hello, see video). Boys danced. I danced. Sister really danced. Then 2pop did his best "I'm getting ready for the nursing home" dance. He sits in an easy chair and just the arm motions like he was ready for his Sit-n-Shop or hover-round. Bless his soul. So we had a dance party and ate wings. The only thing missing to make it perfect was the missing Brother in Law. He had to work and I hate his current work schedule as much or more than he does. At some point I looked up and realized that some dumb football game shouldn't be able to ruin my day. A dance party trumps everything else. Everything! So get out your favorite dancing shoes, find your nice wheelchair if your 2pop, and dance like nobody is looking and be thankful. Above all else be thankful. Political arguments are dumb. Dancing also dumb but nobody gets mad (until you video tape them).

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