Monday, December 12, 2016

High School is Hard

I was not prepared to go through high school a second time. The first time is mostly a foggy memory. This time I am going through as a parent. So far, our grades have been much better than middle school and we survived marching band season. That is pretty good. Then, there was the band trip to be in the Thanksgiving Day Parade in Philly (Not Macy's). The band took 9, thats right 9, charter busses to New York and Philadelphia for sightseeing, taking in a broadway show, a dinner cruise, and heaven knows what else. Nine buses times 55 or so seats equals too many for me to chaperone.

It went off without a hitch. Well, one small hitch. AARP has found a girl.

Earlier in the fall, we had to acquire a new hairstyle. It is somewhere between "stay golden pony boy" and Don Draper. In order to facilitate this, I had to put on my flannel and Warby Parker glasses and do my best aging hipster parent impersonation. I took him to get his hair cut by hipsters. How did I know they would be hipsters you ask? The barber chairs are in the front window of a record shop/live music venue. Yep. So, now we have lots of hair products at home and are asking for combs for christmas. I hope for keeping in his back pocket to pull out on an "as needed for style" basis.

So about this Science Exam
Perhaps the hair helped with the bus romance. Who knows. He has now been invited to her birthday party. This is a very upper-middle class, suburban party. How do I know you ask? The invitation asks for no presents but rather a donation for a local food pantry. The dress code: Dress to Impress. The location: A Botanical Garden. Her name: a double name. Mary-Something or other. My son has arrived. Well almost. We need another haircut and a dress that will impresses. He did not take the going in a dress suggestion well.

This means we get another trip to the record shop and another shot at trying on clothes. He already told me that he has socks and a belt so, we will only need the other Saturday.
What he pictures but with more hair gel

p.s. she is in 10th grade

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