Friday, December 16, 2016

Shopping Part Deux

Mr. Fabulous needs pants! He can no longer wear his brothers hand me downs as AARP gets taller and skinner the more cereal he eats. Mr. Fabulous becomes more...curvy? The thing is, I had an ace in my pocket. Today is a half day at his school. He has been begging us to not attend as all they are doing is watching movies. (I totally want to try that with my students)
They are probably watching Star Wars as Well
The bargain was made and didn't include either the fiddle of gold or his soul. I told him that if we could go get a hair cut and pants shopping with no talking back or bad attitude, he wouldn't have to go to school today. I have never seen anyone so bold as to skate on that much thin ice. He was willing to try on 5 maybe 6 pairs of pants. I didn't press my luck. He let me come to the dressing room and see them. It was touch and go there for a bit but in the end it was an overall pleasant experience. I don't think he would disagree. He know has pants with legs to make it through the winter and gets to skateboard all day. 

Scoreboard time. 
Both boys have acquired clothing and haircuts recently and there has only been minor huffing and eye rolling
I have not been disowned

I win.


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