Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Mr. Fabulous Strikes Again

Often we play a game at dinner where we ask one another to answer questions. Normal questions would be things like "what was the best part of your day" or "if you could be any animal what would you be and why."

Last night Mr. Fabulous, the Supermodel, and I got dressed up and took him to a fancy dinner for his birthday and entrance into teenagerdom. It was sushi because he is Mr. Fabulous. Anyway, at some point in the evening I asked the group, "if you could be any Disney character who would it be?" 

Without hesitation, he blurts out: GASTON!

No one is surprised. He is braggadocios, loud, adored by everyone in his village. Women swoon and men sing songs about him. Mr. Fabulous broke out into song. We cracked up. I think he missed the misogynistic, manipulative, and maniacal portions of his character traits. Either way, Gaston it is. 

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