Monday, May 11, 2015

Breakfast, Dancing, and Data Driven Weight Gain

Lets start at the beginning

This past weekend was the Pancake Breakfast. Thank you all for your support unless you didn't support the boys in which case, there is always next year.

Mr. Fabulous was fabulous and was in charge of the drink service and bussing of tables. He got rave reviews.

Back up plan if the whole college thing doesn't pan out
I flipped pancakes from 5:30 until noon. I now have flippers wrist. I have filed my workers comp claim.
Seriously it was a lot. 
My smoking hot supermodel wife was up and at em by 7. That deserves a round of applause. She was making 200 cups of coffee every half hour. Not a bad job for her as half of those were probably for her own personal consumption. I will come back to the small two as they are their own struggle.
don't tell her but this is her Christmas present
Now as for AARP, well he has his own struggles as well. He has had some difficulty adjusting to having a phone and rules associated with them and stayed up texting until midnight the night before. We won't delve into the details of why he won't have his phone for a week, just know not to call him. The other fun of this? I woke him up at 5 AM the next morning to go to the pancake breakfast. The Boys and I were there helping until around 3 in the afternoon. He got to carry a lot of things and sweat. The plan was for him to come home and cut grass but he was helpful and not grumpy so he got to cut it the next morning. That kid will be the cause of my heart troubles that haven't happened yet. See photos
You know what, my wording would be
don't be a doofus or maybe say goodbye to your little friend.
Saturday morning. Even has the robe and slippers. This is forever how I will picture AARP now
We are working up to this combination of mowing and Just Dance
His shenanigans seemed to have rubbed off on The Shadow and Baby Dino as neither of them want to sleep anymore. Granted asking them to go to sleep at 6 and sleep until 6 might be asking a bit of them but still. In addition to Smallest Brother not sleeping, he has begun to walk. We all knew this day was coming but how could we prepare. I feel like there should be a band playing in our house somewhere and someone rearranging deck chairs in the style of The Titanic. It is the beginning of the end. I don't mind him walking. It is cute. The problem is he only wants his mother, his lung capacity has increased, and now he is quick! His highly stylized gate is somewhere between an orangutan and a penguin.
Lil Reezy is working up to this. Lots of dancing in our future.
Mother's Day you ask? Well my mother, MiMi, is the best and I wouldn't trade her for the world. I will mention that she enjoyed hearing from the grandchildren a bit more than me. I could have assumed that would happen. The Supermodel got breakfast in bed and then (after grass cutting) we went shopping for her a bathing suit. The only upside to this is BEACH. I kept the little ones entertained while she tried to lower her self esteem one bathing suit at a time. I have been told it is the poor lighting and the mirrors and not any thing else and who am I to argue.
See honey, you should gain 10-25 extra pounds
for natural sex-appealing curves. Damn Mirrors!
It is finals week here at work and we are wrapping up. Another semester down and here comes the summer of fun (and dancing).

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