Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Supermodel's Supermodel

The Supermodel told me prior to us being encaged that she wanted a daughter. I delivered about 15 months ago. I should be praised for doing what I am told. Stay Puft El Fox is a girl. We have known this for some time now. I did what was required of me. The problem is now she is showing it. I thought the Supermodel would be thrilled.

Her face is much cuter. Her feet.... about the same
First, she developed an affinity for shoes. Her morning goes something like this. Wake, Look for Shoes, Demand that we place them on her feet (you may be picturing Cinderella, think more like Shrek), run to high chair and scream in sign language the words more and please one after another. I had no idea you could scream in American Sign Language but El Fox does it quite elegantly. Great I thought, she and her mother can shop for hours looking at shoes.

El Fox in a few years
Next, she started finding anything that had a hoop large enough to slide over her arm, and carrying it around a la Sophia from the Golden Girls. It is adorable. She is girly. This is all good news, the supermodel loves bags! More shopping, more passing things down.

Her favorite designer for eyeglasses
El Fox found keys and knows to take them to the door and to tell everyone good bye (and that she is going for a breve and shoe shopping). She has also taken toys that are phone shaped and held them to her ear and just chatted away with her new best friend (whom we still haven't met). Somewhere around the fourth she got oversized star shaped sunglasses and loves them almost as much as her cousin, the blind girl of Alabama loves hers (don't ask but needless to say she isn't blind).

All was going fine. The supermodel was still excited. However, I must pause to say that the Supermodel has been harping on trains from day one. Mr. Fabulous and Wilson loved trains and so, everyone should love trains. I believe this is mostly so the Supermodel can play with them. But I digress... the straw...

Dishes are next. 
Straw that broke the camel: Domestic Labor. The Fox has taken to, after eating, taking one of her baby wipes and wiping down the tray. So helpful. She then gets down and goes and wipes down the walls, cabinets and anything else at her level. Great I thought, "show her the  baseboards!"

The Supermodel freaked.

Took away her cleaning rag and told her that she could be anything she wanted to be and handed her hot wheels cars to play with.


1 comment:

  1. There is nothing wrong with being tidy. El don't listen to the can be a Dr. and also like to clean. Now cooking...that's a different story. :)
