Saturday, July 27, 2013

Brotherly Host Party 2K13

I write this to leave yet another last will and testament. Today is the much anticipated Brotherly Host Party (BHP 2K13). Boys are paying for and throwing themselves a party to host. They have invited 6-8 of their closest friends. I am not sure on the exact number as I don't think they are all here and if they are, they won't stand still for a head count. There were hand written and hand delivered invitations. I don't know who got them. I am feeling that sense of peace you feel when you know you are about to have a car wreck and you just relax and let it happen. I don't know a lot of the plans for the afternoon, evening, or morning as I was not allowed to help plan. I don't know much if I am honest.

Let's recap what I do know:

I know El Fox is with Biggie and 2Pop until tomorrow

I know that the Supermodel has been banished to study for a test and won't be back until tomorrow

I know that Pizza and Ice Cream are here. Correction, just ice cream. 2Pop will bring Pizza if I include him as a sponser for the BHP 2K13

I know CPR

I know the fastest route to the nearest hospital

I am prepared.
Even so I only have a trumpet so that will have to do. 

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