Sunday, July 28, 2013

Let's do this again next weekend

Survived the night. No major issues and everyone has been fabulously well behaved. Its hard when there is an 80 something Mr. Wilson living next door that doesn't want to hear kids voices before 8:30 when they wake up at 6. We did it though. They were fed, beds made, bags packed and lined up and ready to go and have disappeared into the neighborhood.

Things I learned.

Karma is real. At some point in my years working at a Boy Scout Camp there was a 4th or July celebration and a trailer full of watermelon was produced. I may have instigated a food fight that sent several kids to the camp medic for minor injuries. Yesterday I look out the window and there are boys scattered at equal distances from one another all over the yard, street, neighbors yards. At the same time there are chunks of watermelon raining down with great vengeance on each of them. The baseball players were at great advantage and were whittling down there chunks to baseball size. It all went well. I will need to wash down the truck and driveway today as the truck as moved a few feet as the ants are trying to assess it and get into into their nest so they will be able to feed generations to come.

Middle School Boys are not Elementary aged boys. They stink worse and have no clue when they are in a room with a baby monitor. You want a good laugh/cry/never sleep again then listen to the conversations these kids have when they think you aren't listening.

Start putting them to bed at 4 next time. They took a while to wind down but I was asleep before 10:30.

The plan now is to give them ice cream and caffeine free cokes until their parents show up. Also, possibly hose them off. I know the parents would appreciate me knocking some of the stink off of them.

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