Friday, September 4, 2015

its football season

I want to whine. I have a fever and am hot but cold. Tired but can't sleep. None of this bothers me as much as the greatest torment of my life. I am hungry but can't eat. Everything sounds good. I want wings and pizza with everything on it. Cheese fries no no chili cheese fries. My brain is on a slow simmer up there and has defaulted to my most base desires: lipids and carbs but mostly lipids and not the dessert kind.

This is not why I rolled over and fired up the blog. Last night football season started at the school where I teach. The Fox has been excited about this since the one game she went to last year. "We will rock you" by Queen is The Flootball Song. Yes Flootball. No pronounced Float but rather just stick and "l" sound in there.

We happen to have a copy of the song in the car and she and her little brother enjoy fist pumping to the beat on the way to school every day. I repeat: every day.
Dino in his car seat but way less excited

So yesterday...

Pick up Wilson and Mr Fabulous (4:30). Stop at The Home and pack bags and change into appropriate clothing. To be honest, I think I was sick at this point and may have laid down for a moment. Stop on way to get little ones and acquire Cheeseburger ketchup only and spicey chicken sandwich and enough fries to make Idaho proud. There was a kids meal with chocolate milk maybe and something for me which I promptly spilt down my shirt as we were exiting the drive through. I do believe however that it was the bucket of Coca Cola that kept me alive.

Get to little ones. Load them up on alternating rows in The Dad Van with a elder child there to assist with the eating of french fries and chocolate milk. I am a terrible parent. Fries??? Stop judging me you no children having people. Desperate times and all that. At some point The Dino grabs the box of fries and throws it across the car. My fries spilt everywhere as well. At the end of the night, I remotely open my doors, thanks honda, and am knocked down by the smell of fast food from 40 feet. Seriously.
competition to be Gloria and apparently my copilots.
We get to the game and have a blast. It was totally worth it. I love my kids. You need to picture this. My schools stadium sits in a sort of valley? hole? whatever. At one end are STEEP grassy hills. These hills have signs that say slide at your own risk. So where do I take my kids to sit? Of course there. Within short order they are all sliding down. Well not Dino.... yet. The Fox wore herself out. Badly. Covered in dirt with grass woven into her hair and covering her clothes, she refused to walk up the hill again and demanded that Mr Fabulous drag her to the top by the arms. That was not allowed. Fun was had by all and someone showed up with card board after the technical round and we were now ready for the speed round.

how cute would it have been if it looked like this?
The Twins, my nieces, came in around this point with the Coach's Wife and Coach. They were only allowed to go down with their big cousins and one loved it and the other loves big bows in her hair. I will take responsibility for at one point nt paying attention to our one+ year old baby Dino dosing off maybe and rolling down the hill? It was more of a tumble or to be completely honest a train wreck and very scary. He cried a bit and started to fall asleep so we gathered our troops and came home, bathed and went to bed without a peep. A raging success. Then The Supermodel came home. Yep, ALL BY MYSELF! No one was bleeding from any new wounds and they were asleep when she got home. I want a parade!
What it really looked like. That's the Dino

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