Thursday, September 3, 2015

big bad wolf

June 23 was the last time I wrote? For Shame. I won't be providing you with a summer wrap up this year as I don't remember it. Age is a cruel mistress. I do remember last night.

There has been a bit of back and forth over how best to bed down the little ones at night. The Supermodel led a coup and started putting the dinosaur down in his crib but letting El Fox stay up and then be read to in MY bed. She would then fall asleep in MY bed and have to be moved into HER bed in a style not dissimilar to a cat burglar trying to return things. You all know how I feel about returning things.

I just moved her. Wait did you hear her wake up?
I have since put a stop to this and have suffered mightily for it. The dinosaur is, to be kind, needy. His sister is chatty due to genetics. This makes the process difficult. Last night, I put him in the crib after holding him and rocking him. I then go to lay with her and tell her good night. She begs every night for you to "stay with me a little while." Last night? "Go away daddy." Fine. I didn't want to snuggle anyway. The issue arose after I walked out. Apparently, he has realized that his crib is close enough to the light switch and he is tall enough to thwart our efforts as soon as we walk out.
Coast is Clear! Cue the Lights and Music
At some point last night after they fell asleep, she woke back up and called out to me from under the door. I go in and tuck her back in and she wants to have a chat about the big bad wolf under her bed. Now my parental logic is really starting to come into its own these days. She has a big stuffed fox in the bed with her. "Obviously, no monsters or big bad wolves can get you if you have a large stuffed fox near by," I explain. Her quote while giving me a hug and a kiss was "Well I am         Fox. So no big bad wolfs will get me either." She is the best. How can you not love her when she is asleep?

Photoshop skills still on point.
In other news, she has declared her costume for Halloween of her own accord. She will be Gloria the Hippo from the cartoon Madagascar. No, really. The only requirement of the costume thus far is that "you make a big belly." So be on the lookout for a Grey sweatsuit. Also, maybe a pink tutu. I am hoping for a Fantasia/Madagascar mash up. Fan-gas-car. or Mad-Tasia.

The Boyz are too busy for their own good now that they are both in middle school and getting grown. You can no longer tell Wilson and The Supermodel apart from a distance of more than 5 feet. I need him to get taller soon. His quote of the month thus far, prompted by nothing in the conversation, was given at random during dinner. "It's all about context clues." Yes son. Yes it is.

Mr. Fabulous is on his way to mastering the bassoon. I had reservations but now realize the real benefit. He will be able to play the march from The Sorcerer's Apprentice from Fantasia. I think we may have a family halloween theme with accompaniment?

The Dino will totally be her alligator. Now for the rest of us?? Suggestions Welcomed

1 comment:

  1. All of this. I love that she is a fox and the monsters can't get her and that Gloria is her choice Halloween costume. Her ability to understand holidays is getting pretty fabulous.
